Welcome to The Portal

An intensive 12 month programme to help you confidently launch your own sustainable, impactful, online, service-based business.

I want to help you do things differently. I specialise in working with aspiring coaches, mentors, wellness practitioners, course creators (anyone wanting to offer an online service to their ideal clients) who want to stop freelancing and confidently launch their very own online business that not only has a positive impact on people’s lives, but can also stand the test of time.

The coaching industry is full of shoulds, how tos, top tips, and blueprint models for six-figure businesses, but if you’ve found me, it’s likely that you’re not driven by the things you should be doing, and instead want to build a business and a life that feels successful and amazing on your terms.

If that sounds like you, then you’re in the right place, because that’s exactly what I’m here for.

My signature programme, The Portal, is a unique offer built around the premise that you DO NOT have to conform, in fact it’s best if you don’t conform, because only by being your unique, extraordinary and curious self, can you create a business that represents you and the life you want.

When you step through The Portal you’re saying a big YES to…

  1. Real work, dedication and commitment. Building a business takes time, so I only work with my clients over a prolonged period of 12 months. There are no false promises, quick fixes or life hacks here.

  2. Developing a resilient mindset.

  3. Challenging what success in life and business looks like at every opportunity.

  4. Allowing space for vulnerability in business.

  5. Leaving perfectionism at the door and instead embracing the messiness of business.

  6. Nurturing your self-expression by delving into what kind of practitioner YOU want to be, not the type you think you SHOULD be.

You know that your calling in life is to have your own online business (yep, this is WAAAY more than just another job), but you’re struggling to take action, fear of failure is holding you back, and procrastination has left you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed… 

If this all sounds a little too familiar, I want to let you know that all of these feelings are completely normal. Becoming established in your field and building your own online business isn’t a walk in the park. It’s real, hard work, but it’s also one of the most courageous and fulfilling decisions you’ll ever make. So, stop telling yourself that things are taking too long, you haven’t got what it takes, you don’t know where to start, you’re afraid of what people will think, and instead start getting excited about what the future has in store for you.

A little further down, I’ll share the 12 key modules that form my signature programme, The Portal, that will take you from being someone who doesn’t quite have the confidence to really own your expertise as a practitioner in your field, to a fully fledged business owner who confidently attracts their ideal clients, but before I do that…

I know exactly how much you want your business to work, how much you’ve invested mentally, emotionally and financially to get to where you are today. You deserve the business and life that you’ve been dreaming of, right?

But before we dive into how you achieve what you deserve…

Here are the key reasons why your online business isn’t where you thought it would be right now.

  1. You’ve bought into the myth that success in business happens quickly and easily, which is damaging your confidence and leaving you feeling like a failure.

  2. You’ve been spending most of your time trying to build your Instagram following instead of exploring other avenues that are likely to have greater impact in a shorter time frame.

  3. You don’t know who your ideal client is, what they’re really struggling with right now and whether they would even want to invest in your services.

  4. You’re unclear about what you stand for and how you can help your cleints achieve real transformation. This is making conversations about working together difficult and uncomfortable.

  5. You’re overflowing with creative ideas, but lacking the strategic direction to focus on those that will actually enable you to run a successful business that delivers for you and your ideal clients.

But, don’t let this get you down because…

Once you’ve stepped through The Portal, my signature 12 month programme (more about that in just a mo) to help you confidently launch your own online business, you’ll not only have overcome the hurdles you’re currently experiencing, but you’ll also be able to:

What my clients say…

It’s hard to pick the most valuable part of my coaching journey with Amy as the whole experience thus far has been incredible. I think the confidence I have gained from my sessions has been invaluable, I feel confident enough to show up in the world as myself. I am able to believe in the skills I have and have been able to connect with myself deeply which I will forever be grateful for. The 1:1 sessions with Amy have been the most valuable as the exploratory work we have done together in those sessions has allowed me to learn so much about myself and my business.
— Ju Cordina

Amy has a warm, gentle and welcoming way which helped me feel safe and supported throughout our time working together, and in just six weeks I started to feel much more positive and inspired about my future.
— Maria Banobre
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“It was great to work with someone who could keep me focused on my goal and support me in devising an action plan. Amy is warm and friendly and I felt really supported in our sessions. Everything I brought up was acknowledged and respected and Amy also encouraged me to explore my thoughts and ideas so I could create the best possible solutions.”
— Sarah Hill

Amy allows you to have space to talk and be open, in a relaxed and non-judgmental way. Being coached by Amy enabled me to find ways to push through the fears that were blocking me from achieving my goals.
— Melanie Batchelor

Amy has a beautiful energy where you trust her to hold space for you...allowing you to gain a different perspective
— Ozgee Kinday
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Amy creates an honest and compassionate space to allow people to explore ideas and connect.
— Annie Herlihy
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Introducing The Portal

An intensive 12 month programme to help you confidently launch your own sustainable, impactful, online, service-based business.

This is not a course, it’s a journey of personal growth, learning and courageous action, with so much value…

  1. A whole 12 months (that’s right) of one-to-one support from me to ensure that you really have the time you need to make BIG life changes!

  2. Bi-weekly, one-to-one virtual coaching sessions so you can hold yourself accountable, explore your thoughts, beliefs and ideas in a safe and loving space, and ensure you commit to taking action that is grounded in your business strategy.

  3. Workbooks for each of the 12 modules so you have a framework to guide your learning and growth, and a process you can revisit at anytime. This will ensure you feel guided, prepared, and able to achieve the outcome you want at the end of the programme.

  4. Half day intensive VIP session with me at a point in the programme of your choosing so you can dive deeper into any area that you’d like more support with.

  5. Access to recordings of all our sessions so you can get clarity by referring back to specific conversations, and also so you can revisit topics in the future.

  6. Access to me via Voxer (a voice communication app) Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm for the whole 12 months we are working together, so you can reach out at any time with issues relating to the programme and know that you are fully supported during a life changing transition and journey of personal growth.

Confidently launch your own sustainable, impactful, online business by learning how to master these 12 impactful modules…

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  • Define your values and discover how to build these into every part of your business.

  • Uncover assumptions around money, success and self-belief that might be holding you back and create new liberating ways of being.

  • Learn how to confidently own your identity as a practitioner in your field, as a business owner and a leader.


In this module you will:

  • Learn how to build healthy habits into your daily routine that will assist you in achieving your vision, and understand how to let go of unhealthy ones that aren’t serving you.

  • Become skilled and confident at prioritising your needs, time and actions required to build your business.

  • Discover your boundaries and learn how to assert them in all areas of your life without feeling rude, guilty or regretful.

  • Explore how your intuition can help you shape your business and support your wellbeing.


In this module you will:

  • Understand what resilience is and why it’s so important in business.

  • Establish ways to regularly connect with your deeper purpose to help you stay motivated.

  • Learn how to embrace change, build gratitude into how you work, and use failure as an opportunity for growth.

  • Acquire strategies to help you take action and continue to move forward even when you feel nervous.

  • Master the art of finding balance in your day-to-day to ensure you stay happy and healthy.


In this module you will:

  • Learn how to run your business like a pro from day one to ensure you and your clients have peace of mind.

  • Explore various options for setting up your company and develop an action plan accordingly.

  • Determine how your business finances and spending will be tracked.

  • Understand and implement systems and processes for your business so you can focus your energy where it’s needed most.

  • Develop a business plan to support the vision you have for your business and get super specific on the numbers.

In this module you will:

  • Explore different ideologies and points of view so you can start using these to shape the way in which you talk about what you do.

  • Define how you want to work with your clients in a way that is unique to you and enables you to stand out in your field.

  • Establish a style and tone that is grounded in your personal values.


In this module you will:

  • Define your unique story and why this is driving you to do this work.

  • Learn how to build a bold brand identity that stands out from all of the noise, without investing in expensive agencies.

  • Shape your point of view within your industry in order to generate interesting conversations with peers and potential clients.

  • Explore different media, uncover what feels good for you and your message.

  • Develop your marketing strategy based around content that leads to conversation and learn about the power of expanding your strategy beyond the world of social media.

In this module you will:

  • Learn about the importance of niching.

  • Define a niche that will support the vision you have for your business.

  • Confidently own your niche so you can eloquently talk about what you do with pride and ease.


In this module you will:

  • Identify your ideal client and get really damn specific about what they’re struggling with and where they would love to be.

  • Learn research strategies to help give you the extra edge when it comes to talking to your audience in a way that resonates with them.


In this module you will:

  • Explore and identify the transformation you want to support your clients to achieve.

  • Discover how to devise a solution to your client’s problem that includes your unique expertise and experience.

  • Get crystal clear on how you want to work with your clients and build this into your business model.


In this module you will:

  • Discover the importance of understanding your client’s journey and how to weave your values into this experience from the first interaction, without having to do everything manually.

  • Understand how to forecast for your business and the areas of your business that you need to dedicate more energy to, particularly at the beginning.

  • Learn how to generate sustainable income without fear of burnout or the worry of depleted earnings.

  • Confidently price your services in a way that supports a life you want but also represents the value you offer your clients.


In this module you will:

  • Learn how to reposition sales in your mind so you can approach it from a different perspective.

  • Discover the power of a holistic marketing strategy that plays to your strengths.

  • Boldly take steps to start conversations and utilise relationships you already have.

  • Finesse your approach to onboarding new clients by learning how to confidently speak to your clients at every step of the onboarding process.


In this module you will:

  • Learn how to build in regular reviews, planning and research into your business to ensure you stay relevant, knowledgable, in integrity and enabling your business to evolve with time, the key to a business that stands the test of time.


A little bit about your coach, Amy Houldey (that’s me)…

After working for over a decade as an employee engagement expert for global companies with large budgets and loose morals, I experienced a mental health breakdown. Prior to this, I’d been leading a life that looked successful on paper, but felt to me as anything but! And in the end, my mind and body broke and I walked away from a very well paying job.

This forced me to make a much needed change, and I started freelancing. I also took myself back to uni and completed an MSc in Psychology. Things were changing and I felt so much happier and more fulfilled than I had in a long time. But after freelancing for a few years, I knew that I wanted more. I wanted complete autonomy over where I focused my energy and who I worked with, and I wanted to help others find the confidence to express themselves. What better way to do that than to become a mindset coach and work with people to fulfil their dreams? And the rest is, as they say, is history!


  • I use the pronouns she/her

  • I’m a Gemini Rising, with Sun and Moon in Aries

  • I’m personality type ENFJ-T (The Protagonist - Myers Briggs)

  • I’m currently enrolled in an anti-racism & white privilege course as I believe that to be a real ally I need to actively be doing the work

  • I love early nights and long baths

The investment

I am committed to taking an ethical approach to my coaching work. Part of this commitment is being transparent about the investment required to step through The Portal and begin working towards the business you’ve been dreaming of. There are two ways in which you can invest which include:

Monthly payment plan: £625.00 (12 installments, totalling £7,500)

There is no obligation to pay for the whole 12 months if you wish to leave the programme at any point, you will simply need to give one month’s notice. I take this approach as 12 months is a long time and things change (the last two years have really shown us this!). I believe in making the relationship flexible for you. There is no additional cost for choosing the payment plan instead of the full investment up front.

full investment: £7,500 (one off payment)

This option works best for people who want to hold themselves accountable for the full 12 months by making a financial commitment and have the means to do so.

Want to ask me a question before you apply for The Portal? I’d love to hear from you, just fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you…